Saturday, December 12, 2009

Japanese Drummers

Soo Jason and I were having a date night, we had dinner at the Four Seasons Steak House,.. really good by the way. And we went walking afterwards. Jason heard some drums in the distance and his curiosity took a hold of him so we had to go find out what the noise was. We discovered this show on the sidewalk in front of one of our favorite mall complexes in the American Village.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Weekend two down..

So we've officially survived two weeks of living in Okinawa. We spent Thanksgiving with Ryan and his family and friends. Then black friday instead of going shopping on base (which I really wish he woulda let me try because they had a sale for 25% off on Doone & Brooke bags..) we went and explored the part of Okinawa that is called "The American Villiage". Which we found about four or five mall complexes. And each mall has a arcade in it. We discovered stores that had sections full of Disney or Stitch items. And a department store that is the closest thing to a Walmart that I've seen so far. The only difference was they sold bigger lumber than walmart and they had more live animals than Walmart does. We found two types of turtles in the aquarium section and then we saw the puppies.. which to be honest they all looked a little sick, but Jason found one he thought was cute and he kinda played with it for about 10 minutes, then we continued our exploring. We rode the Ferris Wheel and took pictures of the surrounding area while we went up!!

We havent' really eaten any Japanese food, mainly because I've been to nervous to do it without having taken the Japanese language course that they offer, to make sure we get what we originally wanted. We did go clothes shopping.. which was a bit interesting. Their sizes for pants is by centimeter!! and Needless to say I ended up getting a pair of 3x capri's. The only type of clothing I have with me is jeans, tshirts and sweaters. Because someone told me it would be really cold over here... and now that we are here we are learning different! haha. We have been told that it will eventually get cold so having all my sweaters and warm clothes is a good thing.

Oh and another thing we did!! Every base has a Phi's Auction house/store in the exchange. This past weekend there was an auction at the Kadena BX, naturally we ended up going just to experience it. Jason told me if there was anything I saw that I wanted to give him a poke cause he got a number. Lets just say he picked out two things, a "small" tiger statue and a pair of wooden cups that can be used as paintbrush or chop stick holders... Me on the other hand... I picked out two color inhansed Jade necklesses, a cherry blossum vase, a "small" horse statue, 3 of their special pictures, a wine bottle chest and two little arches that have a town carved into them.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sooo our Sponsor "screwed" us...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Ok so for the update.... Well we've discovered that our sponsor did absolutely nothing for us. Yes he picked us up at the airport, and yes he got us a mail box address.. however the more we have learned the more we have discovered that he screwed us. Our names never got put on the base housing list, Jason's Staff Sgt. took him over to the housing office and they informed him his name wasn't even on the list. So now we have to wait until next week to have our housing brief and pick out furniture. Our sponsor also didn't sign us up for the Welcome Aboard brief. Which everyone has to go to in order to be able to get their Japanese licence. We also did not know until the welcome aboard brief that we have to take a test (well at least I didn't know because Jason didnt tell me), that we need to re-sign up for tricare our insurance, and that our sponsor was also supposed to assist in picking out housing and picking out our car. Oh and we are not allowed to buy a car until Jason gets his licence, which according to his command he has to do a bunch of community service and stuff, but his Staff Sgt is going to push the command to let Jason get his licence because of the fact that he is here with family and because where we will be living we will have virtually no way to get around. Except by use of taxi's. Add to all this I'm still pretty sick, my sinus's are draining to the point that when I get to talking I cough a lot. And I cough stuff up, which I guess is a good thing but when your meeting new people and trying to sit through briefs its not good. And we can't take me to a Dr to get checked out until Monday after we get signed up for Tricare... Fun wow huh?
On another note things have been going well. I ventured out of our hotel the other day because my glasses decided to unscrew themselves and fall apart in the middle of the night. So I ended up having to get a taxi to take me to Kadena Air Bases BX. (which is like a miniature shopping mall) I was able to get my glasses fixed. However the fun adventure didn't begin until I tried getting back to my hotel. I got a taxi driver that barely spoke any english, and didn't know where my hotel was. He kept saying stuff in Japanese to me, tried to get me to point out where it was on a map that was completely in Japanese and then wanted me to show him where to go which I had NO CLUE!!! I ended up on the "camp" that I needed to be, however I had him drop me off by some barracks and then after stopping someone I ended up walking I'm going to say maybe 3 to 4 miles up hill, making a left and then a series of rights. Luckly I eventually figured out where I was and got back to my hotel room where I immediately drank a bottle of water (cause its still in the 70's over here) and took a bath to wash off all the sweat. I can definitely say that I don't ever want to experience that again! haha.
Today for Thanksgiving we are supposed to be going over to my cousin Ryan's for the day, and I look forward to it. OH i almost forgot, I've noticed that the Japanese are very into Hello Kitty, and Rubber stamping. We got a flyer on a Hello Kitty Bowling ally!! and I saw a store totally dedicated to rubber stamping. I'm thinking I should be able to find something for my mom in that store if I ever manage to get there. Well thats all for now, I need to get back to sleep! My sleeping schedule has been all screwy..

Saturday, November 21, 2009

And now the Adventure begins!!!

We started out at 3:30 am on Wednesday morning.. went from Raligh NC to Newark Jersey then to Seattle WA. When it came time to check into our flight for Japan the people kept saying that the family members who were accompaning their spouses to Japan needed to be named in their original orders. When we looked at Jason's my name wasn't seen where it should have been. They tried saying that because we didn't have anything saying that I was supposed to be going with him I couldn't go. Luckly they got their manager to come over, by this time I was in a complete panic almost hyperventaling myself. The manager looked over the orders and in the fine print on the second page he found my name. Leave it to 29 Palms IPAC to mess up. Jason remembers asking "shouldn't my wife's name be on the orders somewhere" and got told "OH no it will be fine." Needless to say it wasn't fine. From there we sat for about three more hours and then got on our plane. There were alot of parents who had children who just kept screaming, and mostly for no reason what so ever. And these parents did everything but spank their children. Needless to say the trip was interesting. We stopped in Anckorage (sp) Alaska and then Yokota Japan. it was three hours to Alaska, 7 and a half hours to Yokota and then another three hours to Kadena okinawa. When we got to Okinawa we were loaded into a little bus and then went through customs. I got my first stamp in my passport!!! It was a lovely 75 degrees when we got to Okinawa, its currently more like 55 or 60 and a little rainy. Then it took forever to get our suitcases. Our sponser did show up and as we were going out the door my cousin Ryan grabbed Jason's Arm. I had sent his wife a message letting her know when we were getting in because we didn't know if our sponser was going to be there or not, so I figured it was better safe than sorry. At the moment we are staying in a hotel suite room in Camp Foster. And Ryan came over and saved us from the bordem of not being able to do anything. Him and Jay just ran and got our new cell phones. Which for the next two years we are completely stuck with them, can't get new ones and we can't upgrade. We are stuck with them. But oh well at least we have phones now!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Less than 5 days!!!

So the entire house is packed up. We've got a really good portion of it cleaned. alls we gotta do now is mop the livingroom/dining room area, clean one bedroom and the kitchen, put the trash out by the road, sweep the porch off, clean out the shed, and weed the flower beds. Went and saw my best friend from High school yesterday. Had a really nice visit with Sarah and loved watching her entertain her baby Kayo!! We were thinking today we'd clean then this evening we'd spend time with another set of friends, then we have both Monday and Tuesday figured out of who we are going to spend it with.

I never posted about the home we found Athena.. Thanks to a "family friend" from the church back home, we gave athena to a single woman who has two dogs and two cats, a great big back yard thats all fenced in, (Aker (sp) and a half) and a big pond in the front yard that she let the dogs play in. Apparently Athena is doing great so far. She's claimed the couches, and was made to sleep on the cushion that is on the floor by the bed rather than sleeping up in bed with her new "mommy".. Don't ya just love pack structure! We were told that if and when we come back if we ever want to visit to just let the woman know, and she even said that in three years when we get back if we want Athena back we can have her.. Jason and I are both skeptical about that one. We would love to have her back, but at the same time Athena will have gotten attached to the other person as well as the younger of the two dogs.. so we just said that "we'll see" because we have no idea where we will be sent or what will be going on in our lives so its better to just wait and see.

I haven't been posting when exactly we will be leaving because to me it's always felt like it was a violation of OSPEC. (military policy about giving away dates of deployments, and putting the military members at risk of being gunned down by enemies) I recently had my facebook hacked and I'm glad I didn't have any information about our trip posted there because you never know who can hack into your online accounts and find stuff out about you. I will say that we going to get a hotel in Raleigh Tuesday night, because our flight to Seattle is at 6 am, and we have to turn in our rental car. We have a really long layover in Seattle and we have to check into a AMCC (military) flight. But I'm not going to tell you when that leaves... Just know that we will be in Okinawa by the end of the week.. and I should be able to start posting pictures of the island :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Shipment one done two to go!!!

This morning the movers came and took our express shipment.. and to be honest I was in awe.. we had a pretty nice sized pile of stuff that we wanted to go and Jason was worried that we would be overweight. Because we are only allowed 800 lbs on the express shipment we had to be careful with what we put in it. There was enough stuff that it would have taken us like two hours to properly pack the stuff... the movers had it done in 45 minutes!!!! IE.. packed, loaded on the truck and gone in 45 minutes. Amazing huh?? Tomorrow we have a day off because of veterans day so we will be working on getting the stuff we want to go "household" put together a bit better than we have it. We are only allowed 1600 lbs for that shipment. Both of us are a little worried about how this one is going to go. Then to top it off the Storage shipment is only allowed to be 3600!!! We are thinking that some of the furniture is going to end up being given away because thats the heaviest stuff!! Well its off to bed, Jason and I both have bad sinus infections so we are calling it an early night to try and get some rest so we will be able to get a lot done tomorrow. But we will see how things go.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

aaand time gets shorter..

Our time to prepare is getting reeeally short. As for information.. we now know we can no longer keep Athena. Because she is half Rottie and part Pit, which just looking at her you can tell and i know in my heart that even if i were to spend the money on a DNA test to find out what all breeds she is exactly it won't make a difference. So Jason and I have been just cleaning and packing to go home with a dog and all her possessions in tow. There are multiple people back home who want to meet her to decide if they want to take her. So we've got options now, and I know God will allow her to live with the right kind of people.
We went through some of our cupboards last night and he informed me that I have to toss all my spices because TMO (the moving company) won't move any open containers.. of anything. I also have to get rid of my paints, which I am bringing to PA to give to family. I was planning on buying all new un opened stuff and having my mom send it to me once we got our address, but we will see.
I was so stressed out yesterday that when Jason asked me what I wanted for dinner I cried cause I didn't know. We ended up ordering stuff from Pizza hut, which was good so we couldn't complane. We did manage to have fun the past couple days. Tuesday we took the guy who helped me with the Camero last week and his family out to dinner. And we gave their 1 year old baby her birthday present that I got her at the San Diego zoo. It was fun watching the baby pick up the bag her stuffed hippo was in and carry it over to her mother, then when she got the hippo hold it close and "run" away with it as fast as she could. And yesterday Jason taught me how to change the oil in the Camero too.. which he did have to help cause the plug (bolt) and the oil filter were screwed in so tight I couldn't get it undone.. and he had to tighten it up for me too. He put me in a pair of his coveralls from work.. (theres a hole in one of the pockets and a hole down by what would be his ankles and is my feet) and lets just say the crotch goes all the way to two inches above my knees. I looked rather akward to be honest, but at least i had something to wipe my hands on. haha..
Today Jason has already taken Athena to Pet Smart to have a what we call "Puppy Spa day". She gets a special bath and gets her nails trimmed. She loves it, so whoever gets her will have fun taking care of her because Athena just LOVES the attention. Deffinately is a pampered pooch. I have to do the dishes, pick up my last paycheck and deposit it, get a box of heart worm medicine for Athena from the vet, pay the cable bill and set up a day for them to come turn it off, AAANND get my last Japanese Flu shot!! Then about 11 or so we decided that we would start heading out to go to PA/NY, because I have difficulty seeing at night (or in the dark for that matter) we decided we would stop in either Fredricksburg or Breezwood at a animal friendly hotel and stay there the night. So yea I gotta get off the computer and start getting stuff done.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We have dates.... and some really bad news

Right now I'm in California. Jason and I went to the San Diego Zoo, as well as the Museum of Natural History and two art museums and a photography museum. We both had a lot of fun and enjoyed ourselves.. Jason did give me the update on what he's learned. And soo far we will be stateside for my birthday!! In fact we will be working on moving out of our house on my birthday...
The bad news however... my neighbor sent me a message letting me know that some guy was going around to each house posting fliers about a breed ban that the USMC has started a couple months ago and is beginning to reinforce.. and wouldn't ya know that Pit Bulls, Rots and their mixes are on it. If you don't know Athena is a Half Rot, boxer, pit mix..Another friend of mine confirmed that the MC started this a couple months ago and suggested to just and in order for us to be able to keep her because this breed ban is world wide, she has to undergo a Canine Good Citizen test. ( ) After reading everything that is listed on the AKC sight for the good citizen testing... Jason and I are both seriously worried and heart broken that we will more than likely not be able to take Athena with us to Japan... My mother called a church friend of ours who has fostered dogs and apparently done the CGC before and she's said she'll help.. I'm just still really worried... Prayers are very much needed on this situation.

Monday, October 12, 2009

And the craziness begins..

Friday is my last day working at Walmart. (happy dance) My neighbor is watching Athena.. although we have still to go over some ground rules.. such as don't leave her playing with her rope for more than 5 minutes and if you let her play with it play with her, otherwise she'll have the little strings that make up the rope all over your living room because she's a wiz at knots.. Fun stuff like that. I'm spending the night at a friends house in New Bern friday night and Saturday we have to get up at 4 in the morning and get me to the airport in order to catch a 5:30 am flight to California!!!
Jason is graduating from MOS school next wednesday and thursday we learn the dates of when we are supposed to catch a plane to start the final trip to Japan. We are hoping to be able to go back to PA-NY either Halloween weekend or the weekend after, to take the cars up and to say good bye to family.
Yesterday I experienced my potential first good bye. My best friend Maggie came to spend a day with me, partly cause I was having a going away party for myself to hang out with my friends down here for probably the last time. There are a few girls I'm gonna have to work something out and go see them before i leave but we all still had fun. Anyways, Maggie and I just hung out and enjoyed ourselves then before she left she promised to do everything she could to come and see us (mainly me) on a weekend before we leave. Even though we still might see eachother one more time I still cried after she left.
I'm not looking forward to all the good byes that are going to be happening in the near future. I'll be semi relieved when all this is over.
I have a few things packed.. but the rest of it I figured I aught to just leave for the moving company because they have to inventory everything otherwise it can't be insured. Annd we want thing to be insured!! I guess this is all I've got for an update for now. Hopefully I'll be able to post more updates in the near future.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pain in the rear..

So while its getting closer to graduation, the guys who are being sent to Japan are all trying to find out what all they need to do. Which unfortunatly by going to people who they think should know this stuff who in all actuality don't know, they are getting the run around. However because one guy figured out how to find the information out that is needed he has passed along the much needed informaiton as to what and how things should be done. Needless to say Monday I have to go to the Naval Hospital and go see the Deployment Coordinator about my DOD clearences, as well as any and all paperwork that is needed.... THEN we do not find out the exact date for when we leave until THE DAY AFTER he graduates!! Which is when we also have to set up times for the moving companies to come pick up our stuff.
We now know that because of this twisted and messed up system, we will be arriving in Japan before our belongings.. so we need to bring all our clothing, Athena's dog food, our bathroom stuff and his laptop with us when we go. Then everything else will follow..... Talk about frustrating, now we have like no clue when to tell family that we will be home.. Have I meantioned that I hate doing things by the "seat of my pants" and that I like to have somewhat of a plan for how I'm going to do things... GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

more waiting...

I look at the calander and I'm amazed we have less than 18 weeks to go before we are "supposed" to be in Japan. (happy dance) Jason has been doing a really good job with his classes. He is currently second in his "class". And he complains that he has studied more now than he ever has in his entire life. My response.. "poor baby, finally is challenged to use that powerful brain of his." ;-p I usually get some smart comment back after I say that to him.
Also my time at Wal-mart is coming to a end. 7 weeks and counting. Now that I know some dates of when Jason wants me flying to California I figured that I aught to give them a extremely advanced notice, this way it may encourage them into hiring someone for me to train to take over my job.
Athena just had her one year booster. And she weighs 67.4 pounds. (another happy dance) As long as she doesn't gain 12 pounds over the next three months we won't have to pay an excessively large amount of money to get her to Japan. She has recenly discovered how to ask me to go for walks.. she goes over to where I have her harness and leash that we use on walks and bangs it against the wall, then whines. Then when I do take her out she calms down the minute we reach the end of the driveway and she walks perfectly!! The only problem is the silly dog can't seem to walk in a straight line...
My parents should be coming to visit within the next couple weeks. Hopefully I'll have the house looking a bit better than like a tornado went through here.. which is exactly how its looked for about a month and a half now. More news coming soon!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A few more changes

Things are still going as planned. Jason is #2 in his class, and working really hard to stay there and pass all his classes. He's told me that the guys who are married think he never talks to me because they are on the phone hours with their wives where as Jason and I are on the phone for 5 to 20 minutes. His only response to them so far has been "she understands".. I just told them to tell them about me finishing college during our first year of marriage.
We do have some news on the Japan thing.. Jason is being attached to a unit at Camp Hansen. And with the new policy of all military needing to be on a base, we are more than likely going to be living at Camp Courtney, because Hansen doesn't have base housing.
I got my passport and passport card, now I'm waiting to hear from Jason about my DOD clearance and what I need to go about vaccines and what not.
Athena is doing ok. I've been filling up the little kiddy pool with water and taking her outside during the day and letting her play in it. We've kept in the back yard mostly cause my neighbor accross the street can't seem to keep an eye on her dog. I say that because the first time I tried taking Athena outside to play while I washed the car, her dog got out and came accross the street. Then after her son came over and got the dog he just let her loose in their yard. Frustrating to say the least, but my neighbor who lives right next to me got after her for me.
Which speaking of my next door neighbor we are going to have a "moving/yard sale" next saturday. I've managed to go through enough stuff that I have a rather decent pile of stuff that we could stand to get rid of. So far its mainly two bags of clothes, shoes, books and VHS movies. I had to make a list of the movies though so we can hopefully replace them with DVD's.. at least the ones that I really like and I have seen in DVD form. Weelp thats all for now! Hopefully I'll have more to update soon.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Countdown to the rush to Japan begins!!!!

Jason left for school a couple of weeks ago, and he met his coordinator person who is supposed to help set up the flights and what not. One of the first things he told her was "I have a dog, and she's coming with us." haha. Sooo now that we have started out from the get go letting people know that the fur ball is coming I am hoping that everything goes fairly smoothly. Athena is getting reeeally bored. Soo hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to play with her some and give her some extra attention that will help her deal with being cooped up better.
I've started packing up stuff, mainly just winter clothes, and a few little things like all my sewing stuff and my yarns. I've even started to sort through drawers!!! Shocking what you find in those things!! Annd thanks to the wonderful ladies on my Marine Wife support group I've been finding out what I can bring, and how things with the mlitary movers is going to be like. Which I will honestly say that knowing some of this information this far in advance is setting us faar ahead of other people. For example Jason told me tonight that his roommate at school is also being sent to Japan, and he's two months into the classes already so he's half way to the ending point and he still didn't know about what all needed to be done with their Shitzu that they want to bring with them! Thankfully for him Jason let him know that the dog has to go through the quaranteen thing and that he needed to go have a talk with their coordinator.
I did recently purchase a copy of Japanese for dummies.. sooo hopefully I will be making head way with learning how to speak Japanese very soon! give me a couple months and maybe I will be able to speak a whole sentence besides "good morning" , "good afternoon", and "good evening". Welp thats all I have for now, will post with more updates as soon as they happen and I get a chance!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Free Passport?? HUH?

Oh the Joys of learning things we need to do/get. Athena needs a special travel crate, and in order for Jason and me to be able to go visit other countries while we are in Japan we both need to get our passports out in town cause while we are eligible for a free passport it only allows us to go to Japan and America. We've found out that we will have three "pick ups" from the military moving companies. The first being what we absolutly need can't live without. While the second being what we would like to have with us and the third and final pick up will be sent to storage. What stinks is we don't get Jason's reenlistment bonus until he is checked into Japan, soo we are going to have to figure something out with selling the vibe cause we are going to have to bite a couple grand to get out from under it. But we've started getting our banks changed to the main Military bank branch that is also located over in Okinawa. We hope to have that all taken care of within the next month.
We found out which "Camp" Base we will be going to. Camp Foster which is more southern Okinawa. Soo while we may need some warm clothes we will mostly be wearing nothing but summer type clothing. Hopefully I really will look like an indian if and when I have to come home to the states. I've started to go through some things, mainly I have a box of stuffed animals and some special figurines I've saved packed that will be going to my parents place to store it so the stuffed animals don't get ruined.
Athena's not liking her quaranteen to much. She's been rather restless and very "vocal" about wanting to go outside just to play. I've been afraid to take her for the walks that she desperately needs cause I dont want to run the chance of her coming into contact with another animal but I'm thinking thats what I'm going to have to do here soon.
Oh and Jason and I have started trying out some Japanese food! We went to the local Japanese steakhouse for his birthday and tried a garlic tuna sushi. It was really good and we both agreed that we will have to try some other types of Sushi now. Well that all of an update tha I have for now.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Jason just called me and we finally got our orders! Jason reports to school July 4th weekend and He is supposed to report to Okinawa Japan just before Thanksgiving. So in an ironic twist.. we will be thankful that we made it to the island safely, with our dog and all our possessions. Now he's going to get in touch with TMO (the military moving people) and find out what we can bring and what needs to stay, and if they will store the stuff that we won't be able to take with us. WOOOHOO!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Phase 1- Research

SO what is the first thing you would do if you found out that you were being sent to a new country for three years? Research it right? Yea that's what we started doing. We started researching Okinawa's culture, the language, and what we need to do in order to get "prepared." I made certain that we both started learning a bit about the language because 1. the Okinawa website says not to expect the locals to speak any English due to harsh feelings between them and the military whose presence on the island. and 2 because in my opinion its kinda rude to go to a foreign country and expect them to speak your language. And with thanks to My pastor and his wife, and a co-worker whose background is Japanese as well as the Japanese/English dictionary from the library, I have now learned the Japanese translation for Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good evening.
As far as learning about the Culture.. We are going to see more of that once we get there. However I have learned to just always remain respectful, And never to show them the bottom of our feet cause that would be letting them think that we think they are beneath us.
Now as for what all we have to do.. we are still learning. The first thing we have learned is about Athena. As I said in the last post she can come with us. We had to get her second rabies shot and get some blood work to test the rabies antibodies in her blood. Then once the blood work is started she has to go under a quaranteen/isolation for 180 days (6 months) where she is only allowed outside to go potty and to go for walks and she is not allowed any contact with any other animals. Which if you know our dog, she is a VERY social animal, and still being a 11 month old puppy she is still very curious. I.E. she likes to run after birds and squirrls.
Other than that we need to both get our passports, sell one of our vehicles (cause Japanese Law prohibits any American vehicles made from 1974 to now.) and decide what we want to take to Japan and what gets put into storage.
Needless to say we are waiting on Jason's orders to school, and then once he finishes school then we will get the official orders to Japan. Until then, research and planning.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


A couple weeks ago Jason and I got a call from a Master Sgt. telling us that he was going to give Jason orders to be on an accompanied deployment, stationed in Okinawa Japan for three years! My first response is OMG JAPAN!! I won't get to see my mom for three years.. Xander will be 5 by the time we come home... What about Athena? Do we get to take her or do we have to find someone to keep her for three years? Luckily as I started telling people about the possible "duty station" I started to calm down. I had a co-worker/friend tell me "think of it as an adventure" and I had the bible verse from the old testament that says "I have plans for you plans to prosper and not to harm you" pop in to my head. Like God was saying it's OK I have a purpose for you over there.
Then we started researching what we have to do. Athena is allowed to go with us, she just has to be in isolation for 6 months, her rabies shot done with blood work, and obviously shots. Yesterday we managed to get her started on that process to get the isolation time over in Japan lessened.
The only problem now is we are waiting for the official orders. The Master Sgt said he would email them last Wednesday when we just happened to be on Vacation visiting family. Needless to say he didn't do it. So Jason has emailed this guy and his current Master Sgt is on someone elses behind who is supposed to be taking care of this stuff to see that it gets done. Which really needs to get done otherwise Jason would end up going to Iraq with the current squadron rather than going to school and then to Japan.. We are really praying that the latter happens.
I decided that I would Blog about the entire process to getting ready for Japan and the entire experience of "culture shock" that we are obviously going to be going through. This way all Family, and Friends who want to have an update on us and our situation can just check here!
So keep an eye out and I will be updating everytime something new happens.